generosity hubs

what happens when we bring together diverse community partners to co-design physical spaces and offerings where we can practice our dreams for the future?

Generosity Hubs are local places where we practice of the values of generosity, interconnection, and belonging as both a counterpoint the to false narratives of scarcity, domination and separation, but also as a means of embodying the future we wish to inhabit today.

These practices are grounded in our connection to the land,  to our ancestors and descendants,  to our non-human kin, and to our innate desires to create, share, and play.

We believe that these foundational practices are the wellspring from which we can move beyond conversations of climate adaptation and resilience and begin to embody more just, kind and sustainable futures.

Generosity Scarborough

Generosity Scarborough expands on the successful Feed Scarborough food bank that began as a response to food insecurity exacerbated by the pandemic, and invites Scarborough neighbours to embody abundance through the practice of generosity. In addition to a Free Store, multiple programs that build on community members’ desires for their future will be run in a new co-imagined and collaboratively designed indoor/outdoor space.

Toronto Common Harvest

Funded by a City of Toronto Neighbourhood Climate Action Grant, this project offers neighbours free training, space and supplies to grow and share food with each other. Workshops are held at Karma Co-op and cover topics related to food growing, along with their intersections to food soveriengty, climate and social justice. Land matching between neighbours facilitates the understanding of our shared stewardship for the land, and a Harvest Festival at the end of the season allows for the recognition of the abundance of nature and the practice of generosity.